Android Application Development Course Outline by Shafiul Alam Biplob

Shafiul Alam Biplob is the ceo of App Bazar. He shared this Android application development course outline

1. Learning Advanced Java

1. Abstract methods and classes
2. Encapsulation
3. Inheritance
4. Polymorphism
5. Multitasking
6. Synchronization

2. Advance UI

1. Constraint Layout
2. Coordinator Layout
3. Implementing a Heterogenous ListView and RecyclerView (with different item types)
4. Endless scrolling with adapter views and RecyclerView(infinite pagination)
5. Flexible User Interface
6. App Widget
7. Localization
8. Accessibility

3. Interface - A Phenomenon of Java/Android

1. What is interface
2. We use it daily but don’t know where it comes from
3. Hand on experience of own interface design

4. Custom Content Providers

1. Creating and Working with a Custom Content Provider in Android
2. Implementing the API Supporting content files
3. Project on Custom content provider

5. Location Services

1. Working with the Location Manager
2. Google Maps extensions
3. Google Place API
4. Project on Location Services

6. Services

1. Implementing a Service
2. Service lifecycle
3. Bound versus unbound services
4. Local and Remote Services in Android
5. Job Scheduler
6. Project on Services

7. Broadcast Receivers

1. Implementing broadcast receiver
2. System broadcasts and how to use them
3. Exercises on Broadcast Receivers

8. Intent Filters

1. Role of filters
2. Intent Matching rules
3. Filters in your manifest
4. Filters in dynamic Broadcast Receivers
5. Exercise: Android Intent Filters

9. Networking and models in Android

1. Retrofit and other networking library
2. Working with web services
3. Converting JSON to Models
4. Sending and Receiving data with sockets
5. Building data driven Apps with firebase
6. Best Practices
7. Exercise: Networking in Android

10. Telephony

1. Making calls
2. Monitoring data connectivity and activity
3. Accessing phone properties and status
4. Controlling the phone

11. Sensors

1. Listening to different sensor readings
2. Exercise: Working with Sensors in Android

12. Wifi

1. Monitoring and managing Internet connectivity
2. Managing active connections

13. Camera

1. Taking pictures
2. Rendering previews
3. Exercise: Working with the Camera in Android

14. Bluetooth

1. Controlling local Bluetooth device
2. Discovering and bonding with Bluetooth devices
3. Managing Bluetooth connections
4. Communicating with Bluetooth

15. Advance graphics and views

1. Custom views
2. Canvas
3. Animations
4. Surfaceview

16. Automated Testing

1. Why automate test
2. Unit Testing
3. UI testing

17. Data: Saving, Retrieving, Loading

1. Shared Preferences
2. Set & retrieve shared preferences
3. SQLite
4. Store data using SQL in SQLite Databases
5. Content Providers
6. Share data b/w apps using content resolver
7. Sync local database with server

18. Design Pattern and Model View Presenter (MVP)

1. Dagger 2
2. RxJava
3. RxAndorid
4. ButterKnife

19. Android performance

1. How to monitor and improve app performance

20. App Marketing, A Basic Discussion

• How to boost your app selling performance