Learn Flutter 2022

We are going to start Flutter Development tutorial for 2022. If you have knowledge on any other programming language then it will be easy for you to grab flutter and dart easily. If you don't have programming language knowledge or never tried programming no worry, we are starting from very beginner level.

You can now start watching YouTube videos for basic of dart language. Though we will also start sharing on January 2022. Here we are going to share details what topic will be covered on this process.

Lear Dart Programming:
Type system
Variables and assignments
Control flow
Dart functions
OOP in Dart
List and Map
Asynchronous Dart - Future API

Basic widgets
Widget tree, Widget types and Element tree
Assets, Image and Icon
Animation and Motion
Theme  and Styling
Standard and Material Widgets
Scrollable Widgets

Forms and Gestures
Gesture detector
Dismissible Widget
Flutter form and Form Field

Flutter Routing and Navigation
Declarative Routing
Named Routing
Routing on the fly
Routing animation
Navigation Widgets

State Management
Stateful Widget and it’s lifecycle
Global Keys
Provider Package
Change Notifier, Change Notifier Provider and Consumer

Saving Data with Local Persistence
SQL Database with SQFLite Api
CRUD operations
Shared Preferences

Flutter Networking
Http Package
JSON Serialization
Exception Handling

Native Platform Features
Camera and Storage
Maps and Location

Firebase Authentication
Firebase Firestore Database

A basic e-commerce app that shows products under various categories, adding products into cart, favorite products etc.
A location based app that uses REST API to fetch and show relevant data.
Online Course on Mastering Flutter for Mobile Apps(iOS & Android)

There are a lot of resources on mobile app development using flutter and dart. But one of the best is by google flutter team collaborated course can be found on udemy. Best of luck start learning flutter.